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Verifications Checks explained
Verifications Checks explained
Kelsea Cooper avatar
Written by Kelsea Cooper
Updated over 7 months ago

As we might not know for sure why specific problem was encountered, there are few reasons for each status that could add to the verification process your client went through:

Selfie Checks

Check Name



Account comparison

Compare if the selfie is inconsistent with the account portrait.

- The selfie is inconsistent with the portrait on the account.

Not applicable
- The selfie has no face.
- The account has no selfie.

Age comparison

Detect if the perceived age from the selfie is different from the reference age.

- The reference age falls outside of the age range detected in the selfie.
- The age range detected in the selfie is above the age limit.
- The age range detected in the selfie is below the age limit.

Not applicable
- No reference birthdate was provided.
- No perceived age was available from the selfie.
- No perceived age estimation was available from the selfie.

Age threshold comparison

Detect if the perceived age from the selfie complies with min and/or max age limits.

- The age range detected in the selfie falls outside of configured age limits.

Not applicable
- No min or max age limit was configured.
- No perceived age prediction was available from the selfie.

Attribute comparison

Compare if the selfie is inconsistent with provided selfies. Generally used for verifications created outside an inquiry.

- The selfie is inconsistent with the provided selfies.

Not applicable
- The submission has no selfie.
- No selfies were provided for comparison.

Face covering

Detect if face was covered in the selfie.

- The selfie contains a person with a PPE face covering.


Detect if glasses are present.

- Glasses are detected and may interfere with selfie face detection.

Selfie- to- ID comparison

Compare if the selfie and the face portrait in the ID are different faces.

- The selfie and the face portrait in the ID appear to be different faces.
- An error has occurred that made the selfie and government ID comparison attempt fail.

Not applicable
- Inquiry has no ID portrait.
- Inquiry has no selfie.

Selfie liveness

Detect if the selfie contains a live individual, not a recording, picture, or another spoof.

- The selfie appears to be a deepfake.
- The selfie appears to be an AI generated image.
- The selfie does not appear to be a live person.
- The submission may have been submitted on an emulator.
- The selfie appears to be a framed replica.
- Failed to determine selfie liveness due to inadequate image quality.
- The selfie appears to be a 2d replica.
- The selfie has characteristics that are indicative of a spoof.
- The images may have been submitted on a rooted device.
- The images appear to have different backgrounds.
- The submission is not properly oriented.
- The selfie has characteristics that are indicative of virtual camera usage.

Not applicable
- Not enabled.

Multiple faces

Detect if the selfies are different faces across poses.

- The selfies appear to be different faces across poses.
- The selfies has multiple faces in the frame.

Not applicable
- The selfie has only one pose.

Portrait quality

Detect if the face portrait is clear and in focus.

- The face portrait is unclear and out of focus.

Pose position

Detect if the face in the selfies are correctly positioned across all poses.

- The selfies appear to be incorrectly positioned in one or more poses.
- The center selfie's face appears obscured.
- The selfie does not capture the entire face.
- The selfie captured was too small.
- The selfie captured is unclear and out of focus
- The submitted pose order was incorrect

Not applicable
- The selfie has only one pose.
- Missing yaw angles.

Pose repeat

Detect if the selfies are exact repeats across poses.

- The selfies appear to repeat across poses.

Not applicable
- The selfie has only one pose.
- The selfie was captured live.

Public figure

Detect if the selfie submission matches a known public figure.

- The selfie submission appears to be of a known public figure.

Selfie repeat

Detect if the selfie submission matches a selfie in another account.

- The selfie matches that of a previously submitted selfie on a different account.

Not applicable
- Image quality is too low for repeat detection.
- Selfie repeat detection is not enabled.

Suspicious entity

Detect if the selfie submission is that of a government ID.

- The selfie submission appears to be a government ID.

Video quality

Detect if the selfie video is high enough quality.

- There was no video uploaded.
- The video is corrupt.
- The bit rate is too low.
- The frame rate is too low.
- The duration of the video was too short.

ID Checks

Check Name


Possible Reasons

Account comparison

Compare if government ID details (e.g. name, birthdate) are consistent with account details.

- ID properties are inconsistent with the account details.
- Face is inconsistent with the selfie found on the account.
- Comparison attributes include characters from an unsupported language.

Not applicable
- No account associated with this verification.
- Missing properties for account comparison.

Age comparison

Detect if the age listed on the ID meets the age restriction.

- ID details do not meet age requirements.

Not applicable
- The verification does not have an age comparison configuration.

Portrait age

Detect if the age listed on the ID is different than the age estimated from the face portrait.

- The age listed on the ID appears to be different than the age estimated from the face portrait.

Not applicable
- The age range is missing.
- The birth date is missing.
- The ID has no face.
- The issue date is missing.

Attribute comparison

Compare if government ID details (e.g. name, birthdate) are consistent with provided values. Generally used for verifications created outside an inquiry.

- ID properties are inconsistent with the provided values.

Not applicable
- Claimed attributes like name or birthdate are missing.
- Claimed or extracted attributes include characters from an unsupported language.


Detect if there is a barcode on the ID.

- The barcode on the ID cannot be decoded.
- The barcode on the ID is not found.
- Unsuccessful detection of the back of the ID.

Not applicable
- The barcode was not collected.
- This check is not currently supported for this country.

Barcode inconsistency

Detect inconsistencies in the barcode on the ID.

- The barcode does not follow ID specifications.
- The barcode is missing required fields.
- The barcode has fields in invalid formats.
- The barcode specifies an issuer that is invalid.
- The barcode has inconsistent issuer information.
- Barcode revision is inconsistent with genuine IDs from the provided issuer.

Not applicable
- Unsuccessful detection of the back of the ID.
- The barcode on the ID cannot be decoded.
- The barcode on the ID is not found.
- This check is not currently supported for this country.


Detect if the colors on the ID are different than the expected colors.

- The colors detected on the ID appear to be different than the expected colors.
- The colors detected on the ID appear to be monochromatic.

Compromised submission

Detect if the submission can be found from a publicly available source (e.g. Google Images).

- The ID is reported as fraudulent.
- The ID is likely a sample ID or publicly available.
- The ID contains a word that indicates it is a sample.

Corner detection

Detect if the submitted ID is fully in frame with all four corners visible.

- The ID is too close to the edge of the image.
- The country is not supported by this check.
- The type of ID is not supported by this check.
- The ID could not be identified.

Allowed country

Detect if the country of the ID is not allowed based on template requirements.

- No country was extracted.
- The country of the ID is not allowed based on template requirements.
- The country of the ID does not match the country selected by the user.

Not applicable
- All countries are allowed.

Allowed ID type

Detect if the ID type (e.g. driver license) submitted does not match the ID type the user selected.

- The ID has a designation that is not allowed based on template requirements.
- The ID type is not allowed based on template requirements.
- The ID type cannot be collected due to federal compliance requirements.
- The ID type detected does not match the ID type the user selected.
- The ID type of the submission could not be identified.

Not applicable
- There are no restrictions on ID type.

Double side

Detect if one side of the ID is submitted as both front and back.

- The back and front submissions of the ID are of the same side.

Electronic replica

Detect if the submission is a replica of an image presented on another electronic device or screen.

- The submission may contain an icon which is often found on a replica.
- The submission may contain digital text which is often found on a replica.
- The submission may have been submitted on an emulator.
- The submission may be a replica of a photocopy.
- The submission may be a generic replica.
- The submission may have been submitted on a rooted device.
- The submission may be a replica of a screenshot.
- The submission may have been submitted using a virtual camera.

Government ID

Detect if there is a government ID in the submission.

- This submission does not appear to include a government ID.


Detect if the ID is expired.

- The ID is expired.

Not applicable
- The expiration date is missing.

Extracted properties

Detect if template- required ID details are extracted.

- Required ID field(s) were not extracted.
- First name and last name were required, but only one was extracted.

Not applicable
- The template is not configured to require extraction of certain properties.

Extraction inconsistency

Detect if the details extracted from the front of the ID are different than the details extracted from the barcode.

- Details extracted from the front of the ID are different than the details extracted from the barcode.

Not applicable
- Unsuccessful detection of the back of the ID.
- Barcode is missing properties to compare.
- This check is not currently supported for this country.


Detect if the ID is likely to be fabricated, based on its format and issuing entity.

- The submitted ID is issued by an unrecognized or invalid government entity.
- The submitted ID does not match a known in- circulation format of that ID type.

Inconsistent repeat

Detect if either the ID details or face portrait match that of a previously submitted ID within the last year.

- The face portrait matches that of a previously submitted ID with different details.
- The ID details matches that of a previously submitted ID with a different face portrait.

Not applicable
- Portrait quality is too low for comparison.
- Inconsistent repeat is not enabled.
- The face portrait is missing.

Inquiry comparison

Compare if ID details like name or birthdate are inconsistent between different submission attempts.

- The claimed first name matches the extracted last name and vice versa.
- PID details like name or birthdate are inconsistent between different submission attempts.

Not applicable
- Comparison attributes include characters from an unsupported language.
- Inquiry details like name or birthdate are missing.
- No associated inquiry.

MRZ Detected

Detect if there is encoded, machine- readable text on the ID.

- The encoded, machine- readable text on the ID is not found.
- The full area of the encoded, machine- readable text on the ID was not detected.

MRZ Inconsistency

Detect if the encoded, machine- readable text on the ID is well- formed.

- The encoded, machine- readable text on the ID has invalid checksum(s).

Not applicable
- The encoded, machine- readable text on the ID is not found.
- The encoded, machine- readable text on the ID is present but not verifiable (e.g. because it may be partially obscured).

ID number format inconsistency

Detect if the ID number format is well- formed based on issuing authority rules for certain countries.

- The ID number has an invalid format.
- IThe ID number has an invalid checksum.
- Data encoded in the ID number does not match data extracted from the ID.

Not applicable
- This check is not currently supported for this country.

Paper detection

Detect if the ID is a paper copy

- The submitted ID is printed on a piece of paper.

PO box

Detect if the address is a PO box. Note that address parts may be extracted both visually and from the barcode / MRZ.

- The address is a PO box.

Not applicable
- No address was submitted.

Portrait clarity

Detect if the face portrait is clear and in focus.

- The face portrait is unclear and out of focus.


Detect if there is a face portrait in the submission.

- The submission has no face portrait.

Public figure

Detect if the face portrait matches that of a known public figure.

- The face portrait appears to match that of a known public figure.


Detect if a U.S. REAL ID.

- ID's compliance type could not be detected.
- ID does not meet federal guidelines for REAL Enhanced IDs.

Not applicable
- REAL ID is not available for the given country.
- ID type is not supported by REAL ID.
- Barcode on ID could not be read.
- ID's barcode was not provided.


Detect if the ID details and face portrait match that of a previously submitted ID on a different account within the last year.

- The ID details and face portrait match that of a previously submitted ID on a different account.
Not applicable
- ID repeat detection is not enabled.

Selfie- to- ID comparison

Compare if the face portrait on the ID and the selfie are different faces.

- The face portrait on the ID and the selfie appear to be different faces.
Not applicable
- The submission has no selfie.

ID image tampering

Detect if the submission is tampered by a photo editor.

- The submission has inconsistencies in the file metadata.
- The submission appears to have been tampered by an editor.

Processable submission

Detect if the submission is unprocessable.

- The age detected in the portrait is below the processable age limit.
- The submission is unprocessable.

Valid dates

Detect if the dates on the ID are in violation of issuing authority rules.

- The dates on the ID appear to be in violation of issuing authority rules.

Not applicable
- The ID is temporary or limited- term, so the valid date rules are unknown

Video quality

Detect if the video is high enough quality.

- There was no video uploaded.
- The video is corrupt.
- The bit rate is too low.
- The frame rate is too low.
- The duration of the video was too short.

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